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Administratoren av torrentsiden som mottok en mail fra en filmskaper hadde kanskje ikke akkurat trodd at innholdet skulle være slik det viste seg å være.

Det dreier seg om filmen “Man from Earth” som er laget av en liten, uavhengig filmskaper.


Her er mailen i sin helhet:

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Eric D. Wilkinson and I am the producer of a small independent film called “Jerome Bixby’s The Man From Earth” (our review).

I am sending you this email after realizing that our website has had nearly 23,000 hits in the last 12 days, much of it coming from your website. In addition, our trailer, both on the site and other sites like YouTube, MySpace and AOL has been watched nearly 20,000 times AND what’s most impressive is our ranking on IMDb went from being the 11,235th most popular movie, to the 5th most popular movie in 2 weeks (we are also the #1 independent film on IMDb & the #1 science fiction film on IMDb). How did this all happen? Two words: Torrent / File Sharing sites (well, four words and a slash).

More specifically, Our independent movie had next to no advertising budget and very little going for it until somebody ripped one of the DVD screeners and put the movie online for all to download. After that happened, people were watching it and started posting mostly all positive reviews on IMDb, Amazon and other places. Most of the feedback from everyone who has downloaded “The Man From Earth” has been overwhelmingly positive. People like our movie and are talking about it, all thanks to piracy on the net!

Am I upset… surprisingly no. Thanks to everyone who has downloaded this torrrent and watched the film, our awareness level is through the roof. For that I say, “THANK YOU”!

What you guys have done here is nothing short of amazing. In the future, I will not complain about file sharing. YOU HAVE HELPED PUT THIS LITTLE MOVIE ON THE MAP!!!! When I make my next picture, I just may upload the movie on the net myself!

Ikke værst.

Her kan du lese mer om filmen:

Og kjenner vi torrent-sidene rett så er nok filmen å laste ned overalt. Om du nå laster ned filmen, ser den, og liker den - så skal du vite at du kan donere penger direkte til filmskaperen på hjemmesiden hans. Kanskje gjør du akkurat det - slik andre har gjort.

Interesse for fildeling? - tjen penger på å skrive for oss.

1 kommentar

  1. 1 sier:

    Gammelt nytt….

  2. Side 1 av 1 side(r)

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